When stumps are too small, not strong enough or located in the wrong place, deadmen are used to anchor guy lines on haulers or tethered machines. Install correctly as the safety of others may depend upon it.

- Dig the trench at right angles to the pull of the guy line
- It must be at least 4 m deep and about 7 m long. The notch stops the logs being pulled straight up

- Lay a strop in the trench before a log is put in. The strength of the deadmen strop should be at least equal to the guy rope

- Use green logs at least 50 cm in diameter. Do not use old logs or bundles of smaller diameter logs, as the rope may cut through them
- Compact as you backfill
- Do not enter the trench

- The two strop ends must be equal, so that the tension is similar on both sides when shackled